easyRNG  1.2
BSD licensed random number generators for C and Fortran

From C/C++/Objective-C

Include the easyRNG headers in your code:

#include <easy_rng.h> // for the random number generators
#include <easy_randist.h> // for the random number distributions

Assuming your program source file is called program.c, compile it with:

gcc program.c -o program `pkg-config --cflags --libs easyRNG`

From Fortran

The Fortran bindings' API is mostly identical to the C's. An important exception here is easy_ran_discrete_preproc(), which has one argument less than its C counterpart. Include the easyRNG module in your code:

USE :: easyrng

Assuming your program source file is called program.f90, compile it with:

gfortran program.f90 -o program `pkg-config --cflags --libs easyRNG`

Make sure to use the exact same Fortran compiler to compile your program as was used to compile easyRNG!

The random number distributions API.
The random number generator API.