Gtkmm-PLplot 3.0
A scientific plotting library for Gtkmm
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Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection Class Reference

a class providing support for selecting a region in a plot More...

#include <gtkmm-plplot/regionselection.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual ~RegionSelection ()
void set_region (double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
void get_region (double &xmin, double &xmax, double &ymin, double &ymax)
bool get_region_selectable ()
void set_region_selectable (bool selectable=true)
bool get_region_zoomable ()
void set_region_zoomable (bool zoomable=true)
double get_region_zoom_scale_factor ()
void set_region_zoom_scale_factor (double scale_factor)
Gdk::RGBA get_region_selection_color ()
void set_region_selection_color (Gdk::RGBA color)
double get_region_selection_width ()
void set_region_selection_width (double line_width)
bool get_region_pannable ()
void set_region_pannable (bool pannable=true)
sigc::signal< void(double, double, double, double)> signal_select_region ()
sigc::signal< void(double, double)> signal_cursor_motion ()
sigc::signal< void(double, double)> signal_cursor_enter ()
sigc::signal< void(void)> signal_cursor_leave ()
sigc::signal< std::vector< double >(double, double, double, double)> signal_pan ()
sigc::signal< void(double, double)> signal_double_press ()
sigc::signal< void(double, double, GdkScrollDirection)> signal_zoom_region ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void coordinate_transform_plplot_to_cairo (double x_pl, double y_pl, double &x_cr, double &y_cr) final
virtual void coordinate_transform_cairo_to_plplot (double x_cr, double y_cr, double &x_pl, double &y_pl) final
virtual void coordinate_transform_world_to_cairo (double x_wr, double y_wr, double &x_cr, double &y_cr) final
virtual void coordinate_transform_cairo_to_world (double x_cr, double y_cr, double &x_wr, double &y_wr) final
virtual void coordinate_transform_world_to_plplot (double x_wr, double y_wr, double &x_pl, double &y_pl)
virtual void coordinate_transform_plplot_to_world (double x_pl, double y_pl, double &x_wr, double &y_wr)
virtual void on_select_region (double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
virtual void on_zoom_region (double x, double y, GdkScrollDirection direction)
virtual void on_cursor_motion (double x, double y)
virtual void on_cursor_enter (double x, double y)
virtual void on_cursor_leave ()
virtual std::vector< double > on_pan (double old_x, double old_y, double new_x, double new_y)
virtual void on_double_press (double x, double y)
 RegionSelection ()
 RegionSelection (const RegionSelection &region_selection)=default

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ensure_valid_range (double &val0, double &val1)
 internal function that ensures valid ranges are always plotted, mostly avoiding case where for either x or y, data min is equal to data max.

Protected Attributes

double cairo_range_x [2]
 the current range shown on the plot for the X-axis in Cairo coordinates
double cairo_range_y [2]
 the current range shown on the plot for the Y-axis in Cairo coordinates
double plotted_range_x [2]
 the current range shown on the plot for the X-axis in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)
double plotted_range_y [2]
 the current range shown on the plot for the Y-axis in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)
double plot_data_range_x [2]
 the maximum range covered by the X-values of the datasets in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)
double plot_data_range_y [2]
 the maximum range covered by the Y-values of the datasets in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)
sigc::signal< void(double, double, double, double)> _signal_select_region
 signal that gets emitted whenever a new region was selected using the mouse pointer in Canvas::on_button_release_event()
sigc::signal< void(double, double, GdkScrollDirection)> _signal_zoom_region
 signal that gets emitted whenever one zooms in on the plot using the mouse scroll wheel in Canvas::on_scroll_event()
sigc::signal< void(double, double)> _signal_cursor_motion
 signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) is moved.
sigc::signal< void(double, double)> _signal_cursor_enter
 signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) enter.
sigc::signal< void(void)> _signal_cursor_leave
 signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) leave.
sigc::signal< std::vector< double >(double, double, double, double)> _signal_pan
 signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor is moved within a pannable plot while the SHIFT key is pressed in and the left mouse button is pressed.
sigc::signal< void(double, double)> _signal_double_press
 signal that will emitted whenever a double mouse-click event was recorded within the plot box. Default response will be to reset the region to a range determined by the minima and maxima of the X- and Y- datasets.

Private Attributes

bool region_selectable
 true indicates that a region on the plot can be selected by dragging a box with the mouse button pressed in when showing, or if double mouse button pressed event zooms out, false means not possible. The default is true
bool region_zoomable
 true indicates that one can zoom in on a region on the plot by using the mouse scroll wheel (or trackpad), false means not possible. The default is true
bool region_pannable
 true indicates that one can pan a plot around by simultaneously pressing Shift and the left mouse button while moving the mouse cursor around. false means not possible. The default is true
double region_zoom_scale_factor
 scale factor that will be used for scroll wheel based zooming
Gdk::RGBA region_selection_color
 color that will be used to draw the selection box
double region_selection_width
 width of the selection box frame


class Canvas

Detailed Description

a class providing support for selecting a region in a plot

Several plot classes (Plot2D, PlotPolar, PlotContour and PlotContourShades) that represent data in a two-dimensional grid inherit from this class, allowing users to drag a selection box using a mouse gesture (mouse button press, drag, mouse button release), to zoom in or out by using the scroll button, or to pan the plotdata around in its plot box by pressing in Shift and pressing the left mouse button in, while moving the mouse around. The default signal handler will initiate a redrawing of the plot, with the visible region set to correspond to the initially drawn box. This is shown in Example 1: Plot data properties and zooming and others.

Coordinate systems

Anyone interested in deriving this library (or classes that inherit from RegionSelection), will notice that there are three coordinate systems in use.

  1. Cairo coordinates: the coordinate system used by the Cairo library. All events generated on the Canvas have a corresponding position of where the event was triggered, which will be converted to world coordinates before Gtkmm-PLplot signals are emitted.
  2. PLplot coordinates: the coordinate system used by the PLplot library. Though PLplot supports polar and logarithmic axes and coordinate systems, it has a funny way of doing so, since all data passed to PLplot functions must be according to a traditional Cartesian coordinate system.
  3. World coordinates: the coordinate system as it is shown on the Plot. Unless using a Plot2D in logarithmic mode or using PlotPolar, PLplot coordinates and world coordinates are identical.

Methods have been provided that allow for coordinate transformations between these three coordinate systems. Regular users of the library (not hackers!), will only ever be dealing with the World coordinate system, as all transformations are taken care of by Gtkmm-PLplot.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RegionSelection() [1/2]

Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::RegionSelection ( )


◆ RegionSelection() [2/2]

Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::RegionSelection ( const RegionSelection region_selection)

Copy constructor

region_selectioncopy source

◆ ~RegionSelection()

virtual Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::~RegionSelection ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ coordinate_transform_cairo_to_plplot()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::coordinate_transform_cairo_to_plplot ( double  x_cr,
double  y_cr,
double &  x_pl,
double &  y_pl 

Transform Cairo coordinate system coordinates to PLplot

This method cannot be overridden in derived classed.

x_crCairo X-coordinate
y_crCairo Y-coordinate
x_plPLplot X-coordinate
y_plPLplot Y-coordinate

◆ coordinate_transform_cairo_to_world()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::coordinate_transform_cairo_to_world ( double  x_cr,
double  y_cr,
double &  x_wr,
double &  y_wr 

Transform Cairo coordinate system coordinates to World

This method cannot be overridden in derived classed.

x_crCairo X-coordinate
y_crCairo Y-coordinate
x_wrWorld X-coordinate
y_wrWorld Y-coordinate

◆ coordinate_transform_plplot_to_cairo()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::coordinate_transform_plplot_to_cairo ( double  x_pl,
double  y_pl,
double &  x_cr,
double &  y_cr 

Transform PLplot coordinate system coordinates to Cairo

This method cannot be overridden in derived classed.

x_plPLplot X-coordinate
y_plPLplot Y-coordinate
x_crCairo X-coordinate
y_crCairo Y-coordinate

◆ coordinate_transform_plplot_to_world()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::coordinate_transform_plplot_to_world ( double  x_pl,
double  y_pl,
double &  x_wr,
double &  y_wr 

Transform PLplot coordinate system coordinates to world

This method takes care of coordinate transformations when using non-linear axes When a plot has logarithmic axes or polar plot style, PLplot requires the user to transform the dataset into the linear cartesian coordinate system which it uses internally. The default implementation does returns output coordinates that is identical to the input.

x_plthe x PLplot coordinate to be transformed
y_plthe y PLplot coordinate to be transformed
x_wrthe new x world coordinate
y_wrthe new y world coordinate

Reimplemented in Gtk::PLplot::Plot2D, and Gtk::PLplot::PlotPolar.

◆ coordinate_transform_world_to_cairo()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::coordinate_transform_world_to_cairo ( double  x_wr,
double  y_wr,
double &  x_cr,
double &  y_cr 

Transform World coordinate system coordinates to Cairo

This method cannot be overridden in derived classed.

x_wrWorld X-coordinate
y_wrWorld Y-coordinate
x_crCairo X-coordinate
y_crCairo Y-coordinate

◆ coordinate_transform_world_to_plplot()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::coordinate_transform_world_to_plplot ( double  x_wr,
double  y_wr,
double &  x_pl,
double &  y_pl 

Transform World coordinate system coordinates to PLplot

This method takes care of coordinate transformations when using non-linear axes When a plot has logarithmic axes or polar plot style, PLplot requires the user to transform the dataset into the linear cartesian coordinate system which it uses internally. The default implementation does returns output coordinates that is identical to the input.

x_wrthe x world coordinate to be transformed
y_wrthe y world coordinate to be transformed
x_plthe new x PLplot coordinate
y_plthe new y PLplot coordinate

Reimplemented in Gtk::PLplot::Plot2D, and Gtk::PLplot::PlotPolar.

◆ ensure_valid_range()

static void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::ensure_valid_range ( double &  val0,
double &  val1 

internal function that ensures valid ranges are always plotted, mostly avoiding case where for either x or y, data min is equal to data max.

◆ get_region()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region ( double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax 

Get the currently visible plotted region

(xmin, ymin) corresponds to the World coordinates of the lower left corner of the visible region, while (xmax, ymax) corresponds to the World coordinates of the upper right corner of the visible region.

xminleft X-coordinate
xmaxright X-coordinate
yminlower Y-coordinate
ymaxupper Y-coordinate

◆ get_region_pannable()

bool Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region_pannable ( )

Get whether plotdata can be panned on the plot by clicking the left mouse button and the shift key

true if plotdate is draggable in the plot, false if not

◆ get_region_selectable()

bool Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region_selectable ( )

Get whether regions can be selected on the plot by dragging the mouse while the button is clicked in.

true if a region is selectable in the plot, false if not

◆ get_region_selection_color()

Gdk::RGBA Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region_selection_color ( )

Gets the currently used selection box color

The default color is black

the currently used selection box color

◆ get_region_selection_width()

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region_selection_width ( )

Gets the currently used selection box line width

The default width is 2.0

the currently used selection box width

◆ get_region_zoom_scale_factor()

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region_zoom_scale_factor ( )

Gets the currently used zoom scale factor

The default value is 2.0. If a value lower than 1.0 is chosen, zoom-in and zoom-out will exchange behavior.

the currently used zoom scale factor

◆ get_region_zoomable()

bool Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::get_region_zoomable ( )

Get whether regions can be selected on the plot by scrolling the mouse wheel (or trackpad)

true if a region is zoomable in the plot, false if not

◆ on_cursor_enter()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_cursor_enter ( double  x,
double  y 

This is a default handler for signal_cursor_enter()

This signal is emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) is enter within the plot. x and y correspond to the new data coordinates. Currently this method does nothing, and users are encouraged to write their own signal handler or override the method in a new class.

xThe X-value corresponding to the current cursor position
yThe Y-value corresponding to the current cursor position

◆ on_cursor_leave()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_cursor_leave ( )

This is a default handler for signal_cursor_enter()

This signal is emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) leave the plot. Currently this method does nothing, and users are encouraged to write their own signal handler or override the method in a new class.

◆ on_cursor_motion()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_cursor_motion ( double  x,
double  y 

This is a default handler for signal_cursor_motion()

This signal is emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) is moved within the plot. x and y correspond to the new data coordinates. Currently this method does nothing, and users are encouraged to write their own signal handler or override the method in a new class.

xThe X-value corresponding to the current cursor position
yThe Y-value corresponding to the current cursor position

◆ on_double_press()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_double_press ( double  x,
double  y 

This is a default handler for signal_double_press()

This signal is emitted whenever a double mouse-click event is recorded within the plot box. Default response will be the resetting of the plot region to a range determined by the minima and maxima of the X- and Y- datasets

xX-plot-coordinate of the position where the double click event occurred.
yY-plot-coordinate of the position where the double click event occurred.

◆ on_pan()

virtual std::vector< double > Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_pan ( double  old_x,
double  old_y,
double  new_x,
double  new_y 

This is a default handler for signal_pan()

This signal is emitted whenever the cursor is moved within a pannable plot, with the Shift key and left mouse button pressed in. old_x and old_y correspond to the old data coordinates, before the motion, while new_x and new_y refer to the new data coordinates. Currently this method will cause the plot to move around in its box (panning). If this behavior is not desired, derive the class and implement your own on_pan method.

old_xThe X-value corresponding to the previous cursor position
old_yThe Y-value corresponding to the previous cursor position
new_xThe X-value corresponding to the previous cursor position
new_yThe Y-value corresponding to the previous cursor position
a vector containing old_x, old_y, new_x and new_y, which may be different from the originally passed values!

◆ on_select_region()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_select_region ( double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax 

This is a default handler for signal_select_region()

This method passes the plot (data) coordinates of the selection box to set_region, in order to set the plotted range corresponding to the selection box. If this behavior is not desired, derive the class and implement your own on_select_region method.

xminleft X-coordinate
xmaxright X-coordinate
yminlower Y-coordinate
ymaxupper Y-coordinate

◆ on_zoom_region()

virtual void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::on_zoom_region ( double  x,
double  y,
GdkScrollDirection  direction 

This is a default handler for signal_zoom_region()

This method passes the plot (data) coordinates corresponding to the position where the user produced a scroll event. Depending on the direction of the scroll movement, the region will be zoomed in or out. If this behavior is not desired, derive the class and implement your own on_zoom_region method.

directionMovement direction

◆ set_region()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region ( double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax 

Changes the visible plotted region

Sets the axes range of the plotted box to the provided world coordinates.

xminleft X-coordinate
xmaxright X-coordinate
yminlower Y-coordinate
ymaxupper Y-coordinate

◆ set_region_pannable()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region_pannable ( bool  pannable = true)

Sets whether plots can be panned within the plot by simultaneously clicking the left mouse button and the shift key

pannablepass true if plotdata is pannable, false if not

◆ set_region_selectable()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region_selectable ( bool  selectable = true)

Sets whether regions can be selected on the plot by dragging the mouse while the button is clicked in.

selectablepass true if a region has to be selectable, false if not

◆ set_region_selection_color()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region_selection_color ( Gdk::RGBA  color)

Sets the selection box color

colorthe new region selection box color

◆ set_region_selection_width()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region_selection_width ( double  line_width)

Sets the selection box line width

line_widththe new region selection box line width

◆ set_region_zoom_scale_factor()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region_zoom_scale_factor ( double  scale_factor)

Sets a new zoom scale factor

scale_factorthe new zoom scale factor

◆ set_region_zoomable()

void Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::set_region_zoomable ( bool  zoomable = true)

Sets whether regions can be selected on the plot by scrolling the mouse wheel (or trackpad)

zoomablepass true if a region has to be zoomable, false if not

◆ signal_cursor_enter()

sigc::signal< void(double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_cursor_enter ( )

signal_cursor_enter is emitted whenever the cursor enters within the plot

See default handler on_cursor_enter()

◆ signal_cursor_leave()

sigc::signal< void(void)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_cursor_leave ( )

signal_cursor_leave is emitted whenever the cursor leaves the plot

See default handler on_cursor_leave()

◆ signal_cursor_motion()

sigc::signal< void(double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_cursor_motion ( )

signal_cursor_motion is emitted whenever the cursor is moved within the plot

See default handler on_cursor_motion()

◆ signal_double_press()

sigc::signal< void(double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_double_press ( )

signal_double_press is emitted whenever a double-click event on the plot is recorded.

See default handler on_double_press()

◆ signal_pan()

sigc::signal< std::vector< double >(double, double, double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_pan ( )

signal_pan is emitted whenever the cursor is moved within the plot and Shift is pressed in.

See default handler on_pan()

◆ signal_select_region()

sigc::signal< void(double, double, double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_select_region ( )

signal_select_region is emitted whenever a selection box is dragged across a plot

See default handler on_select_region()

◆ signal_zoom_region()

sigc::signal< void(double, double, GdkScrollDirection)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::signal_zoom_region ( )

signal_zoom_region is emitted whenever a mouse scroll event on the plot is recorded.

See default handler on_zoom_region()


Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ Canvas

friend class Canvas

Member Data Documentation

◆ _signal_cursor_enter

sigc::signal<void(double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_cursor_enter

signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) enter.

◆ _signal_cursor_leave

sigc::signal<void(void)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_cursor_leave

signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) leave.

◆ _signal_cursor_motion

sigc::signal<void(double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_cursor_motion

signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor (usually the mouse) is moved.

◆ _signal_double_press

sigc::signal<void(double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_double_press

signal that will emitted whenever a double mouse-click event was recorded within the plot box. Default response will be to reset the region to a range determined by the minima and maxima of the X- and Y- datasets.

◆ _signal_pan

sigc::signal<std::vector<double>(double, double, double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_pan

signal that will be emitted whenever the cursor is moved within a pannable plot while the SHIFT key is pressed in and the left mouse button is pressed.

◆ _signal_select_region

sigc::signal<void(double, double, double, double)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_select_region

signal that gets emitted whenever a new region was selected using the mouse pointer in Canvas::on_button_release_event()

◆ _signal_zoom_region

sigc::signal<void(double, double, GdkScrollDirection)> Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::_signal_zoom_region

signal that gets emitted whenever one zooms in on the plot using the mouse scroll wheel in Canvas::on_scroll_event()

◆ cairo_range_x

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::cairo_range_x[2]

the current range shown on the plot for the X-axis in Cairo coordinates

◆ cairo_range_y

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::cairo_range_y[2]

the current range shown on the plot for the Y-axis in Cairo coordinates

◆ plot_data_range_x

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::plot_data_range_x[2]

the maximum range covered by the X-values of the datasets in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)

◆ plot_data_range_y

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::plot_data_range_y[2]

the maximum range covered by the Y-values of the datasets in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)

◆ plotted_range_x

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::plotted_range_x[2]

the current range shown on the plot for the X-axis in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)

◆ plotted_range_y

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::plotted_range_y[2]

the current range shown on the plot for the Y-axis in PLplot coordinates (NOT world!!!)

◆ region_pannable

bool Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::region_pannable

true indicates that one can pan a plot around by simultaneously pressing Shift and the left mouse button while moving the mouse cursor around. false means not possible. The default is true

◆ region_selectable

bool Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::region_selectable

true indicates that a region on the plot can be selected by dragging a box with the mouse button pressed in when showing, or if double mouse button pressed event zooms out, false means not possible. The default is true

◆ region_selection_color

Gdk::RGBA Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::region_selection_color

color that will be used to draw the selection box

◆ region_selection_width

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::region_selection_width

width of the selection box frame

◆ region_zoom_scale_factor

double Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::region_zoom_scale_factor

scale factor that will be used for scroll wheel based zooming

◆ region_zoomable

bool Gtk::PLplot::RegionSelection::region_zoomable

true indicates that one can zoom in on a region on the plot by using the mouse scroll wheel (or trackpad), false means not possible. The default is true